Mesothelioma Metastasis
The term "metastatic cancer" refers to any form of cancer that has spread from its original location to other parts of the body. Cancer can spread through the lymph nodes or through the blood stream. Doctors have even found that some cancers are predictable as far as the organs to which they will metastasize. In some instances, this predictability can guide doctors and help keep an eye on certain parts of the body that are susceptible to tumors. Mesothelioma Progression Because mesothelioma is not generally diagnosed until its later stages (usually Stage III or IV), metastatic disease is common at the time of diagnosis. Mesothelioma metastasis, however, can also occur as the disease continues to progress. Unlike many other cancers, mesothelioma progression does not generally impact the bones or brain, but normally affects the organs around the lungs on the side of the body in which the original tumor was found. This is known in the medical field as a "local spread."...